Expanding our startup deal: Get $25K in Retool credits

Sid Puri
Sid Puri

Dec 15, 2022

Today, we’re announcing a major update to our Startup Program: it now includes $25,000 in Retool credits in the first year for eligible startups—and over $200,000 in credits from partners like AWS, Brex, and Segment. Get your free credits now →

Stop burning developer time on internal tools

Since launching our startup program last year, thousands of early-stage startups have used Retool to help get their business off the ground. They join breakout companies like Ramp, Brex, and Descript who continue to use Retool as they scale their operations.

We built this program for early-stage teams because we were one ourselves not so long ago. We bootstrapped our way to $1M ARR with a team of 4 (and a healthy dose of couchsurfing, worrying about our runway, and sharing SaaS passwords to keep spend low).

We learned that automating away manual tasks did more than just help us extend our runway, it also helped us stay 100% focused on finding product/market fit.

For example, we started with an automated workflow that would alert us on Slack when a large customer had logged into Retool—so we could co-build with them and fix bugs almost synchronously. It helped us fill gaps in our early product and win champions, but also helped us close sales deals with teams at large companies early on in our journey.

We also built a lightweight tool to help us track experiments and feature flag customers into betas. This helped us understand which features resonated with which customers, and helped us avoid a heavy infra bill when we were just a lean team.

And of course, we built a financial runway dashboard. It helped us track revenue, expenses, cash burn, and runway so we could make better decisions about business spend and future hiring.

We’ve shared learning resources for each so you can use the same tools today—but the opportunities are endless. You can use your free credits to build any web app, mobile app, or automated workflow your team needs to help you find product-market fit and grow.

“Retool’s Startup Program made all the difference in our most challenging times, allowing us to have all features of this amazing tool available to the whole team while bootstrapping our company.” Igor Aguiar, Glin
"Startup credits really helped us to try out Retool effectively and enabled our customer support and operations teams to immediately reduce turnaround times for customer queries. Having credits just gave us the peace of mind to try out all the options in Retool without having to worry about cost while bringing up our company." Anshul Gupta, Rigi

Updates to our startup program

Today, we’re expanding our deal from $1,200 to $25,000 credits in your first year so you can use as much Retool as you need, without the stress. No credit card required! All companies founded within the past 10 years (bootstrapped to Series A) are eligible.

You can apply your credits to any Retool plan. By applying your credits toward a paid plan, you can:

  • Have your choice to host Retool, or we’ll host it for you
  • Build unlimited web apps, mobile apps, databases, and automated workflows
  • Add permission groups, granular controls, audit logs, SAML, source control and more to scale Retool securely across your entire team
  • 25% discount on your second year of Retool, up to an additional $25k
  • Access to a paired programming session to build your first Retool app

We also know that Retool apps are more powerful when they’re connected to other popular tools for startups. To that end, we’re offering a robust partner deal book inside of Retool, where you can find great deals up to $200,000. These include:

  • Up to $5K in AWS credits and free resources
  • Tens of thousands in bonus points on Brex
  • Twilio Segment for free for up to two years
  • Customer service solutions free for 6 months on Zendesk
  • Deals from companies like Miro, Amplitude, Hubspot, Digital Ocean, Ramp, and more
  • Joining a community of experienced builders in the Retool Community

Get Started

Don’t let internal operations slow down your path to product-market fit and scale. Use Retool to turn manual processes into software. Get your free credits now →

P.S. Thinking of starting your own startup program? Check out our startup credits template to easily manage credits in Stripe.


Sid Puri
Sid Puri
Dec 15, 2022